Wednesday, June 20, 2012

ODBC/DSN Adventures

I was having issues with the ODBC connections of a legacy classic asp project i was working on.

I received the error "the specified dsn contains an architecture mismatch between the driver and application".

Unfortunately the previous "developers" (i use this term loosely)  decided to use DSN connections instead of a real connection string like:
(oConn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SERVER; Initial Catalog=CAT; User Id=sa; Password=*************").

Because I am running a Win7 x64 machine i needed to use the x32 odbc driver and not the x64 one.  If you type ODBC into the start menu you get the x64 version whereas if you type c:\windows\sysWOW64\odbcad32.exe it will open the x32 version.  This also help when connecting a mysql server through ODBC to excel.

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