Friday, April 12, 2013

Combining mp3 files.

recently i was trying to combine a bunch of mp3 files from an audio book i purchased so i could play them on my phone.  The files were all 4mb and separated into folders by which of the 10 discs they came from. Originally i looked for opensource software to do this but then discovered that this can be doing using the windows command prompt.

Command:  copy /b *.mp3 Disc1.mp3

This worked great but i had to keep traversing a monster directory structure in the command line to get to were the next group of mp3's were.  In ubuntu there is a feature were you can right click in a folder from the GUI and it would open the command prompt in that directory.  I remember windows not initially having it but it appears that they have finally implemented this great feature though they hid it pretty well.

To open a command prompt in a specific folder from the OS GUI open the folder then hold down the shift key while right clicking.  This will give you an extra option which says "Open command window here".

This process can have issues with variable bit rate mp3 files.  To fix them use vbrfix and it worked great.

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